Joseph Graham Padgett Sr. Photo

Joseph Graham Padgett Sr.

Age: 52

Date of Death: July 15, 2022

Sarasota , FL

Joseph Graham Padgett Sr was born on October 29, 1969 in Greenwood SC and raise in the state of South Carolina by his late parents James Larry Padgett Sr and Mother Pamela Faye Padgett. In his late teens he had a son Joseph Graham Padgett JR and started his long and prosperous career as a IronWorker and Welder erecting Structural Steel buildings and anything Iron and welding related all over the state of Florida and spent many years chasing the hook all over the united states. Along the way he met many people and wherever he went he left and impression. He also loved to share his love and knowledge for the ironworking trade with anyone that wanted to learn and many people will remember him just for his teachings and presence. He had many passions from motorcycles to fishing and working on cars but he breathed, are, and lived ironwork. He was a TRUE ironhead. As hard as he may have seemed to all that passed him, he was one of the most kindhearted,loving, compassionate and caring people anyone could have ever met. He is survived by his Son and next of kin:: Joseph Graham Padgett JR., His Fiancee: Lisa Michelle Harper and will be Extremely missed by so many others that knew him. Joseph "Joe" Padgett Sr. Passed away in Sarasota Memorial hospital on Friday morning and has gone to soon. He may be gone from his earthly shell but with many people he will be with them in heart and spirit and many have one of the strongest guardian angels you could ever.