Obituary Inspiration for Cremation & Ash-Spreading Funerals

A formal obituary is a traditional way of announcing the passing of a loved one. Published obituaries become a part of family and community history, offering continuity about a person’s life and role in their family.
There are some basic points of information that you should include, such as facts about the loved one’s history, spurring happy memories and comfort. Here’s some obituary inspiration for cremation and ash-spreading services.
The Basics
An obituary should include the deceased’s full name, date and place of birth, age at the time of death, and date of death. You don’t have to list the cause of death if you don’t want to share it. You can instead state, “John Doe, 73, died at home on Thursday, January 19, 2023.”
It’s traditional to include the deceased person’s parent’s names, as in “eldest of three sons of Robert and Mary Doe of Anytown, Florida.” Then, list survivors by their first names, as in “John is survived by his wife, Sue, and children John Jr., Mary, and Peter.” If the adult children are married, list the spouse’s first name in parentheses after the surviving child’s name, as in “Mary (Ben).” You can then list the number of grandchildren, nieces, and nephews, but don’t list names for these other relatives.
The Details
After you list basic information about the person, write a paragraph describing their education, profession, hobbies and interests, community involvement, and awards or accolades that they earned during their life. “John held a Ph.D. in Materials Science from Engineering University and served as Vice President of International Widgets for 40 years, retiring in 2018. He loved skiing and basketball and served as a member of the Parks and Recreation Board for several years.”
The Services
Friends and coworkers will want to know what they can do to celebrate your loved one’s life and mark their passing. For example, when the family opts for direct cremation in Florida, extended family members may not be able to make it to the funeral. In this case, state that “in lieu of flowers, donations in John’s memory may be made to (name of an organization the deceased supported).”
If you plan on scattering the cremated remains, you can invite friends in the area to attend. Say something like, “Those who wish to celebrate John’s life and memory are invited to join the family on Saturday, February 4, 2023, at 11 a.m. at the Maritime Marina. Join us aboard the Sleek Sailor for the scattering of John’s cremated remains.”
An obituary is a labor of love. It becomes a piece of family history that future generations will want to refer to as a part of their heritage. Don’t reveal anything you wouldn’t want to be associated with your loved one several years from now. Obituaries are to remember and honor a person’s life and the contributions they made during their time on Earth.
We hope you’ve found some inspiration for writing an obituary for cremation or an ash-spreading ceremony and that writing one provides the comfort of happy memories of your loved one’s life.